Move some vertices by clicking in the vertice Select: press edges by clicking on the mouse and make them move away by cursor that is displayed, like i have in this picture: In this part while having the edge select.

Go to the edge select by pressing Ctrl+Tab and select the all things around that its on the picture that i'm going to show you: to do that press tab again(to leave edit mode) and add modifier called "mirror" and press "do clipping". scale it a little, not to much, and press Z scale it in Z direction(UP and Down) to have a small and tiny cylinder like this: Now turn the the cylinder around to have the other half of it. Then press A to deselect all the faces and press B to activate line corridor( is what i call it) and drag it out of the cylinder to an half of it then press X to delete faces that you pressed also use the face tool to delete the bottom of the cylinder Now press Tab(edit mode) and press Ctrl+r to divide the cylinder in 3 parts. So i open my blender and just create the first thing: in this tutorial i'm gona show you how to create Hats in blender. i just create this tutorial for the ppl who want to make models. Hello there and welcome to this tutorial of making hats.